Become a Children's Writer:Insider Secrets
by Jill McDougall
If you want to write for children, this is the "must-have" book for your professional library.
Marg McAlister
This book will give you a huge advantage as you journey along your writing path. It's jam-packed with writing tips and tricks and includes over 100 live links to publisher's guidelines (a resource you will pay $60.00 for elsewhere).
Jon Bard from Write4Kids says:
Jill's a successful author who has a marvelous way of sharing her advice in a clear, straightforward manner. It's not the same old stuff, but, rather, her personal discoveries along the road to publication.
I started writing seriously in 2001. That's not long ago for someone who's on the grey side of 50.
As I write this six years later, I have just had my 100th children's book accepted for publication.
THAT'S RIGHT - 100 books in six years!
Don't get me wrong - I'm not talking about 100,000 word novels. I'm talking about writing that pays well but is quick to produce. The list includes easy readers for schools, chapter books, novels for tweens, articles, poems, plays, non-fiction books, local histories ... I've had all of these published and more.
My children's books are sold all around the world - in the USA, in Europe, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
As well as writing books of my own, I teach other people how to reach writing success. For years, I wrote a regular column for the international writers' mag Writing4Success. I also operate an assessment service and I work as a writing tutor.
Sally Murphy, children's writer and reviewer says:
Jill McDougall offers practical advice on a range of topics, including
getting started, finding ideas, gaining feedback and, importantly,
finding markets. She also shares links to hundreds of publishers which
accept unsolicited manuscripts, saving the new writer hours of browsing.
.... the list of markets is in itself worth the cost of the book.
An outstanding resource.
Sally Murphy
'I couldn't wait to stop reading and start writing.'
Dale Harcombe (manuscript assessor and writer)
After reading your book “Become a Children’s Writer, Insider Secrets,” I can totally understand why you are a success with kids . You make even this how-to format fun.
Kim McDougall (no relation to the author - honest!)
I want to say a big thank you for the
wonderful book "Becoming a Children's Writer." It really motivated me
to keep going especially when I know I'm one of those writers who are
not brilliant but willing to work really hard to achieve a dream and
This book was exactly what I needed. It was worth every cent.
Wendy Chandler
Wallsend NSW
Your e- book is fantastic. It has given me more insight into becoming
successful. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
Dianna Nash
Portland, Vic
You can take a peek at the many goodies on offer if you download a preview 346.01 Kb. Or you can simply order the book for US$19.95. (That's about $23.00 in Australian dollars.)
Some people have asked me if they can send 'real' money instead. If you're in Australia, then YES! Just email me from the contact page and I'll send you my address.
More reviews:
Jill takes you step-by-step into how she builds on a very simplistic idea and turns it into a basic outline for her books.
I sat down with my seven-year-old grandson and used this method, and at the end of the process, with very little prompting from me, he’d outlined a story for a ‘dragon’ book. I was amazed at how easy it was to do. (The intention is that together we will write this Chapter Book in the near future.) There is absolutely no reason you couldn’t use Jill’s method (or formula as she calls it) to outline fiction aimed at any age group.
This section alone is worth purchasing the book.
Cheryl Wright, author and journalist
... all new children's writers should have this.
Jackie Hosking, editor, Pass It On - Children's Writer Industry Newsletter
"While searching the Net for resources, I came across your website and ebook. I bought a copy and it was truly inspiring… I used many of the tips and suggestions while completing assignments for my writing course, and achieved great results. Although I have finished the course I know will refer to the information in the book for years to come."
Lyndall Castillo
Glenwood, NSW
Your easy-to-read format had me flying through the pages and by the end, I knew I could write too, definitely, for sure. I couldn't help reading it all again straight away.
Sue Brumpton
Highfields Qld
Become a Children’s Writer: Insider Secrets by Jill McDougall
Review by Susan Stephenson (for the Muse It Up Club )
When writing obsessed me, in 2004, I grew into a writing book junkie. I spent more time reading about writing than actually practising it. Nowadays, it takes something special to tempt me into purchasing another writing resource.
Become a Children’s Writer: Insider Secrets, an e-book by Jill McDougall, IS special. For a start, Jill packed it with down-to-earth, accessible information, and she’s written the book in an engaging and humorous style. When I wasn’t scribbling down notes and ideas from Jill’s prompts, I was giggling over the way she illustrated points.
Don’t get the idea that it’s lightweight. It’s chockfull of practical material, from writing tips, to markets, to an analysis of common mistakes and how to fix them. Jill doesn’t talk down to her readers. Rather, she treats them as colleagues with whom she’s sharing hard-learnt lessons. With over 100 books accepted for publication, Jill speaks with authority. In fact, she confides that she’s made most of the mistakes she tells us how to fix!
I’m not a beginner as a writer. However, only one of my published credits is in this genre. I know now I needed to listen to a multi-published writer able to give me inside knowledge. I believe the timesaving strategies and tricks in Become a Children’s Writer will help my writing sparkle.
As a tutor in a children’s writing course, Jill has seen thousands of stories by developing writers. When she revealed her list of the ten most common mistakes developing writers make, I cringed to realise I’d made many of them. Lucky for me, she included fixes in her e-book. I’m motivated to take to some of my stories with a scalpel, and I know they’ll be the better for it. Thanks, Jill.
wanted to say that I bought your ebook last week and it's fabulous! It
is just so easy to read compared to a lot of material I've seen. And
the comical touches to it just make it such an enjoyable read!! Infact,
I read it all in one go :-) Very helpful - I will keep it by my side!
Kate Monaghan
West Wynnum, Qld

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